Fortify enables cross-browser usage of local certificates, smart cards and do certificate enrollment.
What does Fortify do?
- Use your smart card or security token that has already been enrolled with a certificate with web applications.
- Enroll for a new certificate or renew an existing one.
- Build applications that can sign/verify or encrypt/decrypt using locally installed certificates, smart cards or security tokens.
Platform/Browser | Supported versions |
MacOS | 10.9 and later |
Windows | 7 and later |
Linux | |
Chrome | 43 and later |
Safari | 9 and later |
Firefox | 32 and later |
Webcrypto socket module implements WebCrypto interface and uses Fortify application for crypto implementation.
To support cross-browser work you can apply some scripts to your HTML page. webcrypto-sockets.js exports global namespace WebcryptoSocket.
<!-- Babel Polyfill --> <script defer src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/babel-polyfill/6.26.0/polyfill.min.js"></script> <!-- Fetch Polyfill --> <script defer nomodule src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/whatwg-fetch/3.0.0/fetch.umd.js"></script> <!-- Crypto Polyfill --> <script defer src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/asmCrypto/2.3.2/asmcrypto.all.es5.min.js"></script> <script defer src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/elliptic/elliptic.min.js"></script> <script defer type="module" src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/webcrypto-liner/1.2.3/webcrypto-liner.shim.min.mjs"></script> <script defer nomodule src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/webcrypto-liner/1.2.3/webcrypto-liner.shim.min.js"></script> <!-- WebCrypto Socket --> <script defer src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/protobuf/6.8.0/protobuf.min.js"></script> <script defer type="module" src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/webcrypto-local/client/1.1.7/webcrypto-socket.min.mjs"></script> <script defer nomodule src="https://fortifyapp.com/external/webcrypto-local/client/1.1.7/webcrypto-socket.min.js"></script>
Be sure to use your own compose of third-party dependencies in production applications.
# Crypto Polyfill npm install asmcrypto.js elliptic webcrypto-liner # WebCrypto Socket npm install protobufjs @webcrypto-local/client
Put a script and link tag in the head of your index.html.
<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@peculiar/fortify-webcomponents/dist/peculiar/peculiar.esm.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@peculiar/fortify-webcomponents/dist/peculiar/peculiar.css">
npm install @peculiar/fortify-webcomponents
Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html, etc.
<peculiar-fortify-certificates />
Fortify Certificates WebComponent
The web-component provides an easier way to connect a web-page to the Fortify App, show certificates from available OS crypto providers, and choose a certificate for signing.
Quick example embed web component in to you application:
<peculiar-fortify-certificates id="fortify-certificates-wc" language="en" />
Then in js you can access to component lifecycle events and filter properties:
const fortifyCertificates = document.getElementById('fortify-certificates-wc'); fortifyCertificates.filters = { expired: false, onlySmartcards: false, onlyWithPrivateKey: false, keyUsage: ['digitalSignature'], subjectDNMatch: 'kubernetes-master', issuerDNMatch: 'kubernetes', providerNameMatch: 'MacOS Crypto', providerATRMatch: '0123456789', certificateIdMatch: '0123456789', }; fortifyCertificates.addEventListener('selectionCancel', () => { console.log('cancel flow'); }); fortifyCertificates.addEventListener('selectionSuccess', (result) => { console.log(result); });
downloadAppLink | |
Attribute | download-app-link |
Description | A link to download the application when a connection to Fortify is not found. |
Type | string |
Default | 'https://fortifyapp.com' |
filters | |
Description | Component data filters. KeyUsageType you can find on certificate specification. |
Type | { expired?: boolean; onlySmartcards?: boolean; onlyWithPrivateKey?: boolean; keyUsage?: KeyUsageType[] | KeyUsageType[][]; subjectDNMatch?: string | RegExp; issuerDNMatch?: string | RegExp; providerNameMatch?: string | RegExp; providerATRMatch?: string | RegExp; onlyQualified?: boolean; certificateIdMatch?: string | RegExp; qualifiedCertificateStatements?: string[]; ca?: boolean; } |
Default | {} |
helpPageLink | |
Attribute | help-page-link |
Description | A link to redirect the user to the help page if there are any questions about the operation of the application. |
Type | string |
Default | 'https://fortifyapp.com/help' |
hideFooter | |
Attribute | hide-footer |
Description | If true , the component footer will be hidden. |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
language | |
Attribute | language |
Description | Component language. |
Type | "de" | "el" | "en" | "es" | "fr" | "he" | "it" | "ja" | "nl" | "pl" | "pt" | "ru" | "tr" |
selectionCancel | |
Description | Fires when the user has canceled the selection flow. |
Type | CustomEvent<void> |
selectionSuccess | |
Description | Fires when the user has successfully selected a certificate. |
Type | CustomEvent<ISelectionSuccessEvent> |
Fortify Enrollment WebComponent
The web-component provides an easier way to connect a web-page to the Fortify App, show available OS crypto providers, and enroll self-signed certificate or certificate request with prefilled parameters.
Quick example embed web component in to you application:
<peculiar-fortify-enrollment id="fortify-enrollment-wc" language="en" />
Then in js you can access to component lifecycle events and filter properties:
const fortifyEnrollment = document.getElementById('fortify-enrollment-wc'); fortifyEnrollment.filters = { onlySmartcards: false, providerNameMatch: 'MacOS Crypto', providerATRMatch: '0123456789', }; fortifyEnrollment.addEventListener('creationCancel', () => { console.log('creationCancel'); }); fortifyEnrollment.addEventListener('creationClose', () => { console.log('creationClose'); }); fortifyEnrollment.addEventListener('creationSuccess', (result) => { console.log(result); }); fortifyEnrollment.addEventListener('creationFail', (error) => { console.log(error); });
To provide custom form policy you need to pass object to component.
Default policy config:
{ subject: { fields: { CN: { required: true }, O: { required: false }, OU: { required: false }, C: { required: false, defaultValue: "US" }, L: { required: false }, ST: { required: false } } }, publicKey: { fields: { signatureAlgorithm: { required: true, defaultValue: "RSA-2048" }, hashAlgorithm: { required: true, defaultValue: "SHA-256" } } }, options: { fields: { useSelfSignedCertificate: { required: false } } } }
Example of read only policy with prefilled values:
const fortifyEnrollment = document.getElementById('fortify-enrollment-wc'); fortifyEnrollment.formPolicy = { subject: { fields: { CN: { required: true, readOnly: true, defaultValue: 'kubernetes', }, O: { required: false, readOnly: true, defaultValue: 'kubernetes org.', }, OU: { required: false, readOnly: true, defaultValue: 'kubernetes org. unit', }, C: { required: false, readOnly: true, defaultValue: "US" }, L: { required: false, readOnly: true, defaultValue: "kubernetes world" }, ST: { required: false, readOnly: true, defaultValue: "kubernetes west" } } }, publicKey: { fields: { signatureAlgorithm: { required: true, readOnly: true, defaultValue: "RSA-2048" }, hashAlgorithm: { required: true, readOnly: true, defaultValue: "SHA-256" } } }, options: { fields: { useSelfSignedCertificate: { required: false, readOnly: true, defaultValue: true } } } };
downloadAppLink | |
Attribute | download-app-link |
Description | A link to download the application when a connection to Fortify is not found. |
Type | string |
Default | 'https://fortifyapp.com' |
filters | |
Description | Object that contains filters for user certificates and providers. |
Type | { onlySmartcards?: boolean; providerNameMatch?: string | RegExp; providerATRMatch?: string | RegExp; } |
Default | {} |
formPolicy | |
Description | Object that contains configurations for enrollment form. |
Type | IFormPolicyConfig |
helpPageLink | |
Attribute | help-page-link |
Description | A link to redirect the user to the help page if there are any questions about the operation of the application. |
Type | string |
Default | 'https://fortifyapp.com/help' |
hideFooter | |
Attribute | hide-footer |
Description | If true , the component footer will be hidden. |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
language | |
Attribute | language |
Description | Component language. |
Type | "de" | "el" | "en" | "es" | "fr" | "he" | "it" | "ja" | "nl" | "pl" | "pt" | "ru" | "tr" |
creationCancel | |
Description | Fires when the user has canceled the creation flow. |
Type | CustomEvent<void> |
creationClose | |
Description | Fires when the user clicks on the "Close" button after successfully creating a certificate or certificate request. |
Type | CustomEvent<void> |
creationFail | |
Description | Fires when the user failed to generate a certificate or certificate request. |
Type | CustomEvent<Error> |
creationSuccess | |
Description | Fires when the user has successfully created a certificate or certificate request. |
Type | CustomEvent<ICreationSuccessEvent> |